Entries by Mike Sobba

Quick Installment Loans

Does your bank receive small dollar loan requests from time to time and you have to pass on them due to the unprofitable nature of making them? Do your customers have to fill out a 3-4 page loan application form online or at your bank for an unsecured debt consolidation loan, a home improvement loan, […]

Bankers: How to Make Consumer Loans Profitably

For the past 40 years banks have refrained from making small dollar consumer loans due to the unprofitable nature of doing so. Industry experts say it costs anywhere from $85-$100 to book an installment loan and the interest received wouldn’t cover the expense. Even though in the 1990’s banks starting charging an application fee to […]

Quilo: Quick Installment Loan

When was the last time your lending team was excited when a customer came to the bank to borrow $750? My guess is nearly 40 years ago when credit cards took over unsecured installment lending business from community banks. Each core processor has fees associated with booking a new installment loan and the average fee […]

Quilo Gives Banks a Chance

Strunk has recently partnered with Quilo to provide community banks the opportunity to make small dollar installment loans profitably through your mobile banking app. The Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) craze is here to stay and you may have recently seen where Amazon has teamed up with Affirm to provide this service. Are you going […]