Entries by Mike Sobba

How Does a Formal Overdraft Program Benefit Consumers

Formal overdraft programs are prevalent in community banks and consumers have benefited from them for over 30 years. Many articles have been written about the pitfalls and risks that consumers face from overdrafts and some of them are true. In reality, providing a consistent methodology to paying items that create an overdraft benefit both banks […]

Bankers: It’s Time to look at a Loan Pricing Solution

Pricing commercial loans for community banks can be daunting especially in areas where they compete for loans with larger institutions. With a yield curve that has changed dramatically over the past 18 months, isn’t it time your senior commercial lender looked at a loan pricing solution? Commercial lending comes all shapes and sizes and borrowers […]

Overdraft Privilege Provides a Much Needed Service

Before the early 1990’s, banks typically returned all items that would cause an overdraft on a consumer checking account. When overdraft privilege programs started consumers were thrilled that their overdrawn items wouldn’t automatically be returned to the merchant. Thirty years later, Strunk, the pioneer of overdraft programs, is still helping banks provide efficient, compliant overdraft […]

Is your bank prepared to offer Digital Lending to your customers?

Digital banking has been around for years on the deposit side of the house but most banks don’t have a solution to make installment loans quickly and profitably. Fintech’s and other financial services providers have eaten our lunch when it comes to consumer lending since credit cards became a prevalent method for paying for purchases […]