Entries by Mike Sobba

Strategy to Combat Bank Service Charges Under Attack

Bank fee income has come under attack once again by the regulators and what can you do about it? Four fee income producing products that all banks offer will be curtailed with recent changes to regulatory guidance. The banking industry has charged fees for returned checks on consumer accounts for as long as most of […]

Strunk Helps Banks Make More Money

For the past 31 years, Strunk has helped financial institutions make more money by providing services to their customers that they want and need. The Strunk Overdraft Privilege program was implemented in over 1,800 banks across the country and it provided a much needed service. Banks typically charge the same fee whether they pay or […]

How to Replace Lost Fee Income for Banks?

Strunk has helped over 2000 banks increase their bottom line from a variety of income producing programs that started in 1993 with their Overdraft Privilege program. The service benefited both consumers and banks and although income is down from NSF/OD fees it still remains popular even after tremendous regulatory scrutiny. In 2010, banks were required […]

A Loan Pricing Solution that will help banks make more money

Loan pricing solutions were popular twenty years ago but they were too expensive for a lot of community banks. With banks looking for ways to make more money now might be the time to look at an affordable, easy to implement loan, relationship and deposit pricing tool. Many banks don’t take the size of the […]