Community Banks Compete with “Non Banks” as Well
For decades community banks have competed with credit unions for deposits and consumer loans and other “non banks” like the Farm Credit System for larger land and agricultural loans. Often times you hear bankers say they look down the street when pricing their loans but does that really provide a good way to determine what the interest rate should be?
The Federal Government has been “helping” farmers out for years on agricultural related lending and community banks have to compete for that business. Many times the interest rate on those types of loans seems unreasonably low and hard to compete with. Also, many times the “government” entity might waive fees or not require the borrower to open up a deposit account for the new loan.
Having a loan pricing tool that incorporates fees, rate, repayment term, and credit risk may give you a competitive advantage when competing with these entities. Can you lower the rate if the borrower brings deposits with them? Can you waive the fee and still receive a return that is competitive and meets your profitability target? What terms give both you and the borrower the best deal? How do you know that your lenders are working for the borrower and the bank?
These questions can easily be answered with a loan and deposit pricing tool that many regional and large banks have used for years. To gain a competitive advantage, contact Strunk at 800.728.3116 or email at to learn about how Strunk’s loan pricing tool will increase net interest income by at least 25bp.