Permit Customers to Make Regulation E Elections Online

ODP Manager custom letter templates include the Consent Form for Overdraft Services for customers who have not already opted in for the Reg E ATM and everyday debit card coverage. These letter templates simplify the process for customers who choose to opt in by mail, but ODP Manager can also allow your customers to opt in for Regulation E electronically.

The hosted software can be set up to include a Reg E opt in form and Reg E opt out form that matches the content in your ODP Manager letter templates. The links are then added to the institution website to direct customers to the Reg E opt in and opt out forms. Email confirmations are generated when customers visit the website and complete the form to opt in or opt out of the ATM / everyday debit card coverage. The request is tracked in ODP Manager and can be emailed to a specified email address at your financial institution.

Once a customer request has been made, ODP Manager users perform the following steps: 1.) Review the new responses in ODP Manager, 2.) Export the list of accounts that need an update to the account’s Reg E election, and 3.) Perform the appropriate maintenance in the core system – the user will update the account record in the core to opt in or opt out the account as requested by the customer. The ODP Manager software displays by default any new responses that have not been reviewed and downloaded. Requests that have already been processed are also retained within ODP Manager to allow review of prior responses.

If you would like to implement the electronic consent to opt in for Overdraft Privilege coverage for ATM and everyday debit card transactions in ODP Manager, please contact Strunk Support at with any questions or to find out more.

How Does a Formal Overdraft Program Benefit Consumers

Formal overdraft programs are prevalent in community banks and consumers have benefited from them for over 30 years. Many articles have been written about the pitfalls and risks that consumers face from overdrafts and some of them are true. In reality, providing a consistent methodology to paying items that create an overdraft benefit both banks and their customers.

Consumers create overdrafts…banks do not. Banks are faced with decisions each morning to either pay a customer’s non-sufficient fund item or return it to the merchant. They also have to decide whether or not to charge a fee or waive the fee. Thirty years ago when formal overdraft programs started, the NSF or Overdraft fee was $15-$20 nationwide. The idea was to charge a fee to deter consumers from writing a check that would overdraw their account. This was a time when debit cards were not used much and checks and ACH items dominated the payments system.

Beginning in 2010, debit card transactions that would overdraw an account could not be authorized at point of sale unless the consumer “opted in” for this service. This was a great idea that came from the Federal Reserve. So, how do formal overdraft programs benefit consumers?

• Allows consumers to decide how they want their bank account handled when it comes to overdrafts
• Reduces returned check charges from merchants
• Allows consumers to take home the groceries or prescription drugs when otherwise their debit card transaction would be denied
• Keeps a bank from discriminating on daily pay and don’t pay decisions
• Keeps a bank for discriminating on waives and refunds

Contact Strunk at 800.728.3116 or email at to learn more about setting up a formal overdraft process at your bank.

Automatically Update ODP Manager Information

The information in Strunk’s hosted ODP Manager software is updated daily when an extract file from the core processor is uploaded. This file can be committed each day by an ODP Manager user prior to generating letters and reviewing reports. Strunk also offers an Automatic Upload option for institutions that meet the criteria below.

If an institution is able to create the updated core extract file automatically to a specified location, the Automatic Upload process may be possible. There is a one-time setup process – the first step is to install the upload client. The second step is updating the configuration details with user and file variables specific to the institution. The final step is to create a scheduled task. The scheduled task will start the import overnight after the extract file update and before users start their workday.

Even if the daily import is usually performed by the Automatic Upload process, your users will still be able to manually import a file if the scheduled import does not complete as expected. Each day when the import process runs, specified individuals or a group email address will receive an email detailing whether the import completed successfully.

Please contact Strunk Support at with any questions or to find out more details about this import option.

Bankers: It’s Time to look at a Loan Pricing Solution

Pricing commercial loans for community banks can be daunting especially in areas where they compete for loans with larger institutions. With a yield curve that has changed dramatically over the past 18 months, isn’t it time your senior commercial lender looked at a loan pricing solution?

Commercial lending comes all shapes and sizes and borrowers are more sophisticated now more than ever. What should the interest rate be? For what term? Is there a fee involved? Is the rate floating or fixed? And lastly, will the borrower keep deposits with the bank?

Loan pricing solutions have been used by larger institutions for years and community banks sometimes just “throw a dart” to see what a borrower will pay. Generally, costs associated with underwriting and servicing the loan is not considered since it is hard to determine what they are. With interest rates at historically high numbers (last 15 years) maybe community bankers should look for an affordable loan pricing program.

Strunk’s loan and relationship pricing solution is designed to model all types of commercial loans factoring in costs associated with the loan, pricing for risk, and providing a return that is satisfactory to the bank. The program takes into account deposits the borrower may have with the bank as well as other loans.

The loan pricing model is easy to use and training the lending staff is paramount to getting buy-in for the solution. The goal is to increase net interest margin while also giving bankers a tool to understand why you may have lost a deal.

Contact Strunk at 800.728.3116 or email at to learn more about loan pricing solutions offered by Strunk. You will be glad you did.

Strunk Overdraft Program Bulletin

On April 23, 2023, the OCC issued guidance on debit card transactions that are authorized positive, settled negative (APSN) and on re-presented NSF items. On the same date, the FDIC also issued guidance on APSN. Previously, on August 18, 2022, the FDIC had issued guidance on re-presented NSF items. The OCC and FDIC indicate that institutions following either of these practices risk violating Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act which prohibits unfair or deceptive acts or practices and Section 1036 of the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 which prohibits unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts or practices. The purpose of this bulletin is to summarize that guidance.

OCC Guidance

In terms of guidance related to APSN, the OCC has found that misleading disclosures contribute to findings that the APSN practice was unfair for purposes of Section 5. However, even when disclosures describe the circumstances under which consumers may incur overdraft fees, the OCC has found that overdraft fees charged for APSN transactions are unfair for purposes of Section 5 because consumers are still unlikely to be able to reasonably avoid injury.

With respect to re-presentment of NSF items, the OCC has found that disclosures may be deceptive, for purposes of Section 5, if they do not clearly explain that multiple or additional fees may result from multiple presentments of the same transaction. And again, even when disclosures explain that a single check or ACH transaction may result in more than one fee, a bank’s practice of assessing fees on each re-presentment may also be deemed to be unfair, for purposes of Section 5, if consumers cannot reasonably avoid the harm and the other factors for establishing unfairness under Section 5 are met (there is a representation, omission, act, or practice that is likely to mislead, the act would be deceptive from the perspective of a reasonable consumer, and the representation, omission, act, or practice is material). Their finding is that consumers typically have no control over when a returned ACH transaction or check will be presented again and lack knowledge of whether an intervening deposit will be sufficient to cover the transaction and related fees.

FDIC Guidance

The FDIC guidance is essentially the same as the OCC guidance, they just issued their guidance on re-presented items separately last August. In the April 23rd guidance on APSN the FDIC indicated that failure to take steps to avoid assessing overdraft related fees when transactions are authorized on positive balances but settle on negative balances results in ‘heightened risks” of violations of Section 1036 of the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010. An act or practice is unfair when it (1) causes or is likely to cause substantial injury to consumers, (2) cannot be reasonably avoided by consumers, and (3) is not outweighed by countervailing benefits to consumers or to competition.

In their August 18, 2022, guidance they said violations of law occur when financial institutions charge multiple NSF fees for the re-presentment of unpaid transactions if disclosures do not fully or clearly describe the financial institution’s re-presentment practice, including not explaining that the same unpaid transaction might result in multiple NSF fees if an item was presented more than once. Practices involving the charging of multiple NSF fees arising from the same unpaid transaction results in heightened risks of violations of Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act which prohibits unfair or deceptive acts or practices (UDAP). Therefore, if a financial institution assesses multiple NSF fees arising from the same transaction, but disclosures do not adequately advise customers of this practice, the misrepresentation and omission of this information from the institution’s disclosures is material and therefore deceptive. Also, a risk of unfairness may be present if multiple NSF fees are assessed for the same transaction in a short period of time without sufficient notice or opportunity for customers to bring their account to a positive balance to avoid the assessment of additional NSF fees. As a result, while revising disclosures may address the risk of deception, doing so may not fully address the unfairness risk.

In addition to the regulatory compliance risk, the FDIC also found that multiple NSF fee practices may result in heightened litigation risk. Numerous financial institutions, including some FDIC supervised institutions, have faced class action lawsuits alleging breach of contract and other claims because of the failure to adequately disclose re-presentment NSF fee practices.

If you would like more information on Strunk’s program, please contact us at or call 800-728-3116.

Vendor Due Diligence Material

Every critical and high-risk vendor must have their fundamental business information gathered. Community financial institutions can use this information to assess if the vendor complies with any relevant local laws and regulations, as well as to spot any potential future performance problems.

An essential element in the vendor risk management lifecycle is due diligence. In many businesses, conducting due diligence on each vendor is not just a good business practice but also regulated by the law. There are baseline or foundational documents that should be gathered to further examine the majority of vendor engagements, even though not all vendor relationships pose the same risks to a financial institution.

Collecting, reviewing and storing vendors’ due diligence materials is a vital part of the vendor management process. Vendors are required to present certain documents as proof of their internal risk management as part of the due diligence procedure. The vendor should be able to provide documents that are a crucial part of evaluating the vendor’s risk and the controls they have in place. Whether it’s a SOC report to confirm information security processes, internal compliance guidelines, or even a business continuity plan and testing.

After collecting and reviewing the vendor’s due diligence material, the financial institution should have a central location to store these documents securely and also receive notification when due diligence material needs to be collected again or is missing.  Strunk’s vendor management software, Vendor Manager, can assist with your financial institution’s vendor due diligence process and provide a streamlined process. Visit to learn more.

Accessing and Filtering ODP Manager Account Data

The hosted ODP Manager software is an effective tool for managing an institution’s overdraft program. In addition to the daily tasks, ODP Manager can help users view and filter the account information that is imported from the daily extract file. If there is a specific population of accounts with certain criteria that users would like to monitor, these filtering options may facilitate the process.

Depending on the specific area of interest, users may want to limit results to a smaller population of accounts. There are three main areas in ODP Manager which will allow users this flexibility: account-level Reports, Account Inquiry, and Custom Query.

Reports show a standardized list of accounts that meet certain standard criteria. Individual column filters can be applied to incorporate additional criteria and limit the results displayed. These filtered results can be viewed on screen or exported to PDF or Excel. If users enter the same filter criteria frequently, it may be more efficient to create a new query group specific to your institution. This will allow users to display only the desired results just by selecting the group in a dropdown.

If users need more flexibility in selecting the accounts or data fields included, Account Inquiry provides additional options to select from all accounts in ODP Manager. Three different column views and all available data columns mapped from the daily extract file allow users to access additional data that may not be visible in Strunk’s standard reports. The filtered results can be viewed in the browser or exported to Excel.

Custom Query is used when an institution has a specific need to specify not only the account criteria to be used for the report but also the data columns displayed. Each day, users will download an Excel file with the updated list of accounts.

Please contact Strunk Support at with any questions or to find out more details about using the advanced ODP Manager filters.

High Performing Banks Look Outside the Box

As interest rates rise and the cost of doing business increases, bankers are challenged to figure out where we go from here. Many community banks face a huge loss in their bond portfolio due to the substantial increase in rates on US Treasury securities. Liquidity can be a problem as we have seen in some mid-sized banks. Community banks haven’t seen a run on deposits although there is pressure to compete for deposits from non-bank competitors.

Service charge and fee income has increased some since the 2020 pandemic but still are near historical lows. As banking regulators continue to scrutinize “junk” fees including overdraft fees, what alternatives does a bank have? Large banks have a multitude of ways to create service charge or fee income but smaller community banks aren’t so lucky. Banks with assets over $10B have to report NSF/OD income on their quarterly call report. Any bank with a concentration of income from this source is being criticized by the CFPB. Now community banks in some states are being asked the same question. More, not less regulation is coming.

What can you do? Strunk was the pioneer for the Overdraft Privilege program beginning in 1993 and it was the best fee income idea in the history of our industry. We have several other fee income programs that many financial institutions have implemented. High performing bankers are always thinking outside the box.

Contact Strunk at 800.728.3116 or email at to learn more about fee income programs offered by Strunk. You will be glad you did.


Charge Off and Recovery Tracking and Reporting

After an overdrawn account has been charged off, financial institutions may still need to track and report on the charge-off balances and recoveries related to the overdrawn accounts. ODP Manager includes a manual tracking process that may allow your users to manage the charge-off and recovery process after the deposit account had been closed.

Once the account has charged off, users can create a Charge-off Item with the date, charge-off principal, charge-off fees, charge-off reason, and item status. Users can also include notes at the time the item is created and throughout the recovery process. Updates and changes are logged as well. As recoveries are made, they should be entered in ODP Manager and they will reduce the overall charge-off balance tracked.

All Charge-off Items for the last year are displayed on the C/O Items and Recoveries summary page. If a longer or shorter reporting timeframe is desired, a different default timeframe can be requested by the financial institution. Also, users can change the start and end dates at any time to change the charge offs displayed. The summary displays basic account and charge-off information. When the summary information is exported as a PDF it will overall totals and adds additional totals by branch.

Please contact Strunk Support at with any questions or to find out more details about using the Charge-off Items and Recoveries feature.

Strunk introduces Pricing Manager, a commercial loan, deposit pricing, and relationship profitability tool for CFIs

Strunk is proud to announce its newest solution, Pricing Manager. Pricing Manager is a fully hosted, web-based solution that allows community financial institutions (CFIs) to deploy a tool to all lenders to ensure they are armed to price loans profitably and consistently based on target profitability objectives.  It also provides the ability to understand the details of relationship profitability so better pricing decisions can be made.

Pricing Manager offers lenders the ability to vary rate, fee, risk premium and term structure among other variables, to understand the drivers of profitability and develop pricing options for borrowers that all achieve the target ROE for all types of loans. Deposit relationships can be included to see how much ‘pricing power’ each brings to the loan or total relationship. The solution contains built in assumptions for loan origination, loan servicing and cost of funds which can all be customized.

According to Strunk’s Chief Executive Officer, Dan Roderick “Until about a year and a half ago, pricing was fairly straight forward for most community FIs, given historically low interest rates and record high liquidity. However, that has changed dramatically, as should an FI’s approach to pricing. Liquidity, which only several months back was far from a consideration, is now becoming a concern for many community FIs. Economists are beginning to predict tightening commercial credit largely due to a downturn in commercial real estate values – particularly for office space and retail properties. At no point in history has proper loan pricing been more important.”

With Pricing Manager, Strunk offers a full featured loan and deposit pricing tool that will:

  • Arm lenders with the tools needed in an increasingly competitive environment.
  • Include a relationship profitability module.
  • Allow instant adjustments to a shifting rate environment and ensure pricing consistency.
  • Increase profitability.
  • Produce rate sheets for consumer loans.
  • Provide clients with pricing offers that will win more deals.

Strunk is providing free demonstrations of the Pricing Manager solution for interested CFIs. Please visit or contact Strunk at to learn more.