Monitor Fresh Start Loan Repayment Schedules using ODP Manager
After the daily import of information in the extract file from your core processor, the Letters, Reports, and Account Inquiry sections of ODP Manager are updated. In addition to this updated information, the hosted software also allows you to add additional information about repayment plans manually to facilitate monitoring of account’s Fresh Start Loan payments.
If you choose to use the Fresh Start Loan repayment plan feature, after completing your Fresh Start Repayment Plan assessment and approval process, you can enter the repayment schedule information directly in ODP Manager. The data in this schedule can be used to fill in your Fresh Start Loan agreement and will make it easier to generate the document to be signed by your customer.
Once the repayment schedule has been created, Strunk’s Reminder feature will create reminders for each payment. Your Strunk software users will be able to monitor each day whether any FSL payments are due and can then check your core system to see if the payments have been made as agreed. After verifying that a payment was received, your users will track the payment date and amount in the ODP Manager software. The repayment schedule is then updated to show the payments made and the outstanding balance on the Fresh Start Loan.
Repayment plans can be viewed not only for each account, but also on a summary list that can be exported to PDF or Excel for reporting purposes. The repayment plan tracking feature in ODP Manager can help your users streamline Repayment Plan Agreement generation, Fresh Start Loan payment tracking, and repayment plan reporting.
Please contact Strunk Support at with any questions or to find out more about using this feature.