Make ODP Manager Letters and Events Work for You!
Have you considered how you may customize ODP Manager for your institution?
Do your users need the ability to share information about ODP Manager accounts? ODP Manager allows users to create account comments and reminders. These events are available to all users and you can even add attachments! Overdue reminders are easily viewed each day when logging in.
Are there ODP related letters that you are generating manually? An Ad Hoc letter can be created for you to generate as needed – just enter the account number and the letter will pre-fill with the account information in ODP Manager. Once it is generated, it will be tracked and retained within ODP Manager just like your Collection and Custom letters.
Would you like the letter signature and contact information to change based on the account’s assigned branch? ODP Manager can do that for you!
Would you like your ODP letters to show your logos and footers instead of printing on letterhead? Would you like a user’s signature to print on your letters? If you provide your image files or text, they can be included in your ODP Manager letter templates.
Let ODP Manager help your users streamline account notation and letter generation by implementing these suggestions.