Entries by Melissa Newbury

Simple and Efficient Management of the Fresh Start Loan Process using ODP Manager

Fresh Start Loans can help customers resolve their overdrawn account status with up to four payments and can allow them to keep their checking account open. Fresh Start Loans are also a collection tool that can help financial institutions recover and collect on overdrawn accounts that might have otherwise charged off and been closed. Leveraging […]

Reg E Opt-In Options Presented in ODP Manager

How are you offering your customers the chance to opt in for Regulation E to choose ATM and everyday debit card coverage for Overdraft Privilege? There are four options for a customer to consent: in person, by mail, over the phone, or electronically. Strunk’s hosted ODP Manager software can help you provide your customers with […]

Replace Manual ODP Letter Processes with Ad Hoc Letters

ODP Manager uses the information from the daily extract file to create Collection letters to send to overdrawn accounts. The hosted software also generates Custom letters, for example, Welcome or Reinstatement letters, or letters confirming a Reg E Opt-In election. In addition to Collection letters and Custom letters, ODP Manager also offers Ad Hoc letters. […]

ODP Manager Management Reporting Suite

The hosted ODP Manager software includes a comprehensive and robust suite of key reports.  Daily users and management can both leverage these reports to ensure strong program performance and compliance. Daily reports are used to review the addition and removal of overdraft limits on individual accounts. Account level detail is listed on the New Accounts […]

Customize Your ODP Manager Letter Templates

Templates for all your necessary Collection and Custom letters are included with Strunk’s hosted ODP Manager software. We’ve provided the letter content for you but there are customizable letter template options to allow your letter appearance to be consistent with other letters sent by your institution. Do you have a standard letterhead that is used […]

Options to Display Your ODP Manager Information

Strunk’s hosted ODP Manager software features customized letters, comprehensive reporting, and advanced history tracking. It helps you access your financial institution’s overdraft program information in a format that is flexible and easy-to-use. After the daily extract file has been imported into ODP Manager, letters due and management reports are updated and ready to view. This […]

For Clients: Account Details in ODP Manager

In Strunk’s hosted ODP Manager Account Inquiry section, you are always able to review the account level data that is imported daily from your core extract file. Account Inquiry is also where ODP Manager retains the historical information about closed accounts. Users are able to combine different column views, query groups, and filters to identify […]