Entries by Melissa Newbury

Save Reports Automatically After Each Import

The hosted ODP Manager software includes a comprehensive suite of standard reports. These reports should be reviewed periodically to assist with Overdraft Privilege program management and maintenance. These reports are updated after the daily extract file is imported into ODP Manager. Reports can be viewed in the browser or can be exported to a PDF […]

Reporting on Charge-Off Items and Recoveries

ODP Manager generates the Account Closed letters necessary to notify customers when accounts are closed and charged off due to unpaid and outstanding overdrafts or due to a default on a Fresh Start Repayment Plan for outstanding overdrafts. Closed accounts typically no longer appear in the daily extract file imported into ODP Manager; however, users […]

Save Consumer Reg E Opt-In and Opt-Out Documentation

In order to provide evidence that consumers have provided confirmation to opt in for ATM and everyday debit card transactions, Strunk recommends that financial institutions have consumers sign or initial the A-9 form (Consent for Overdraft Services) for opt-ins by mail or in person, record and retain consumer opt-ins by phone, and store opt-in transactions […]

Streamline Hosted ODP Manager File Import

For ODP Manager to obtain updated account information, an import of the ODP Manager extract file from the core system must be committed each day. Although many institutions manually import the file, there is an option for the upload to occur automatically overnight. If your core is able to generate your updated extract file automatically […]

Use ODP Manager Data to Generate Letters as Needed

The hosted ODP Manager software includes three types of letter templates: Collection, Custom, and Ad Hoc letters. Collection letters are sent to accounts that are currently overdrawn with a negative balance. Custom letters are focused on communicating Overdraft Privilege Program-related information to customers. Ad Hoc letters allow ODP Manager users to generate letters as needed […]

Leverage Extract File Date Fields to Filter Results

The daily extract file imported into hosted ODP Manager includes many fields that may assist with managing an institution’s Overdraft Privilege program. These fields are used to show letters due and also to populate the standard suite of reports included in ODP Manager. In addition to these purposes, institutions may also benefit from using this […]

Excessive ODP Use and Alternatives to ODP

The hosted ODP Manager software includes a letter template that allows financial institutions to inform customers of alternatives to fee-based overdraft coverage. These letters are sent to customers that have demonstrated excessive consumer Overdraft Privilege activity. FDIC regulated institutions are expected to give customers who overdraw their accounts on more than six occasions where a […]

ODP Manager: Import Events and User Events

The information displayed in ODP Manager is provided by an extract file from an institution’s core system. This file is updated after close of business and is imported daily into ODP Manager. Once the import has occurred successfully, the letters due and reports are updated with the information for the current as of date. A […]

Standard Reports Available in ODP Manager

Strunk’s ODP Manager hosted software includes a standard suite of reports that summarize the information from the most recent extract file imported. These reports can be used by management and by daily users to analyze ODP Program performance and assist with program compliance. The Summary Report includes totals for overdrawn and not overdrawn accounts, number […]