ODP Manager Letters as Needed
The hosted ODP Manager software uses information from a daily extract file to determine when Collection letters should be sent to overdrawn accounts and which Custom letters should be sent to accounts when overdraft limits are assigned, or accounts opt in for Reg E. In addition to the Collection and Custom Letter functionality, the software also allows users the flexibility to send Ad Hoc letters as needed. These letters don’t rely on an account event to be triggered so users are not limited to criteria included in the daily extract file.
If you close and charge off an account before the standard number of days overdrawn, you will need to be able to generate an Account Closed letter. Or you may have ODP related letters that you send in specific situations other than those covered by the standard letter templates. You can even use Ad Hoc letters to generate your Fresh Start Loan agreements. Rather than creating letters manually, you can have Strunk set them up as Ad Hoc letter templates in the ODP Manager software.
If a user has a list of accounts that need to receive the specific letter, an Ad Hoc letter can be generated using the template, and sent to the customer. When you need to generate the letter, just enter the account number and the letter will pre-fill with the information from the software – name, address, and any other relevant fields. Letters can be generated one account at a time, or multiple account numbers at once. Once the letter has been generated, ODP Manager tracks and retains the letter just like your Collection and Custom letters.
Please contact Strunk Support at support@strunkaccess.com with any questions or to find out more details about using ODP Manager’s Ad Hoc letters.