Strategy to Combat Bank Service Charges Under Attack

Bank fee income has come under attack once again by the regulators and what can you do about it? Four fee income producing products that all banks offer will be curtailed with recent changes to regulatory guidance.

  1. The banking industry has charged fees for returned checks on consumer accounts for as long as most of us have been in banking. Some regulators don’t like banks charging for second presentment of a returned check even though that practice is fully disclosed. Since it is difficult to determine if an item is being presented a second time, some banks have discontinued charging for NSF items.
  2. Getting consumers to opt in for debit card caused overdrafts has been around since July 2010 as required by the Federal Reserve. The nearly 15 year old regulation requires banks to send a confirmation when a consumer opts in. Now the regulators want you to a) get a signature on the A-9 form or b) record all calls where the consumer opts in for the service. Reducing the number of opt-ins will substantially decrease your bank’s fee income.
  3. Now the CFPB wants to limit what your bank can charge for an overdraft or NSF item. The maximum fee is $5 or whatever it costs you to process the item. Most community banks charge $25-$35 per NSF item so this will once again substantially reduce fee income.
  4. Lastly, six months ago there was a Federal Reserve proposal to cap the debit card interchange that your bank receives. Likewise, there is a Credit Card Competition Act that the Senate is currently looking at. The result of these actions would reduce interchange and or swipe fees for banks.

Since 2011, Strunk’s Secure Checking program has helped hundreds of banks provide features to their consumer checking accounts for a small monthly fee. Consumers like the benefits offered and they don’t mind paying for them. In many cases those same consumers are paying quite a lot more elsewhere. Much like the Overdraft Privilege strategy, Secure Checking generates a considerable amount of customer loyalty and goodwill while the bank increases fee income by at least $50 per account per year.

Contact Strunk at 800.728.3116 or to find out more about our proven strategies to increase income. Have a great 2025!

Strunk Helps Banks Make More Money

For the past 31 years, Strunk has helped financial institutions make more money by providing services to their customers that they want and need. The Strunk Overdraft Privilege program was implemented in over 1,800 banks across the country and it provided a much needed service. Banks typically charge the same fee whether they pay or return an insufficient funds item. Who would want their checked returned to the merchant? Our hosted ODP solution helps with collections and tracking the success.

Since 2011, Strunk’s Secure Checking program has helped hundreds of banks provide features to their consumer checking accounts for a small monthly fee. Here again consumers like the benefits offered and they don’t mind paying for them. In many cases those same consumers are paying quite a lot more elsewhere. Much like the Overdraft Privilege strategy, Secure Checking generates a considerable amount of customer loyalty and goodwill while the bank increases fee income by at least $50 per account per year.

Pricing commercial loans to meet the customer’s needs and to meet the profitability goals of the bank is yet another way Strunk helps banks make more money. Most banks typically price loans on risk, term and type of loan. But, should the size of the loan and fees be considered? Having a tool to help your bank win more deals and price smaller loans to ensure profitability can increase net interest income by 25 bp or more.

Contact Strunk at 800.728.3116 or email at to find out more about our proven strategies to increase income. Our solutions are easy and inexpensive to implement. Have a great holiday season and may 2025 be a great year for banking!

Can Community Banks Compete?

More than 10,000 banks have vanished in the last forty years and the trend is frightening as we get close to 4,000 banks left in our country.

Some of the reasons for this drop can easily be explained such as bank failures and mergers of multi-bank holding companies. Of course banks in rural markets have sold as bank owners get older and no family member is there to continue the family legacy. But, many banks sell because they think they no longer can compete with larger banks. This is nonsense!

Bank regulations are never ending and continue to hamper the ability to compete. Costs associated with running the bank such as core processing, compliance and employee expense seem to rise each year. What can be done about it? Have you turned over every rock to see what other banks are doing?

Strunk is an expert in delivering fee income and net interest income programs that hundreds of banks have implemented. We have a variety of services that have been time and market tested. Overdraft Privilege is the program we are best known for with over 1,800 bank clients.

Secure Checking is the “overdraft privilege” of the 2020’s. It will deliver similar fee income as ODP did in the 2000’s. Our loan and deposit pricing tool will deliver similar numbers to the bottom line in the way of net interest income.

Strunk is here to help banks make more money. Contact Strunk at 800.728.3116 or email at to learn more about income programs offered by Strunk. You will be glad you did.

How to Replace Lost Fee Income for Banks?

Strunk has helped over 2000 banks increase their bottom line from a variety of income producing programs that started in 1993 with their Overdraft Privilege program. The service benefited both consumers and banks and although income is down from NSF/OD fees it still remains popular even after tremendous regulatory scrutiny.

In 2010, banks were required to obtain consumer consent before charging an overdraft fee for a debit card transaction that overdrew the account. Service charge income went down significantly. In 2011 FDIC regulated banks had to notify consumers after every 6th overdraft charge in a rolling twelve month period. Service charge income went down again.

More recently banks have discontinued charging NSF fees if their core processor can’t determine if the item had already been presented. Some banks have discontinued allowing consumers to overdraw their account and they have eliminated overdraft fees. To total all of these changes up our industry has seen more than a 50% drop in service charge income in the past 15 years.

What can a bank do about it? Strunk’s Secure Checking program allows consumers to get highly sought after services from their bank while paying a small monthly fee for their checking account. Banks see a net increase in income per checking account of $50 per year. Strunk’s Loan and Deposit Pricing tool will help banks increase net interest income by at least 25bp. For a $100M loan portfolio that is $250K per year.

Strunk is here to help banks make more money. Contact Strunk at 800.728.3116 email at to learn more about income programs offered by Strunk. You will be glad you did.