Know the Importance of a Relationship’s Profitability

Pricing can be a challenge for all community financial institutions. Most CFIs overprice their largest, most valuable customers and underprice their smaller, least profitable customers. This can be an alarming prospect, since as a result we end up giving the best deal to those who contribute the least to the bottom line and at the same time run the risk of losing our most profitable relationships.

Understanding the drivers of profitability on commercial customer relationships and making decisions based on that knowledge is of the utmost importance. Strunk’s Pricing Manager solution provides a robust relationship profitability feature to assist with determining the profitability of each customer quickly and easily.

The solution contains ROE targets that are used to determine the return on capital. ROE is what really matters most to our shareholders. These targets are customizable by product type and not only drive profitability, but also consistency across all loan types and lenders. Additionally, utilizing these drivers effectively will allow you to structure deals that work for the bank while at the same time, work for the borrower as well.

Strunk’s Pricing Manager also allows users to model the deposit relationship associated with each borrower and will illustrate whether that deposit brings any pricing power to the overall relationship. Positive profitable deposits add value for the bank and a pricing tool prevents lenders from using deposits as an excuse to price down a loan.

Pricing Manager is a powerful tool, it is affordable, and comes with a Money Back Guarantee! Contact us today at 800-728-3116 or for a demo of the all-new Pricing Manager or click here to learn more.

Time to Implement a Loan Pricing Solution

When pricing commercial loans most bankers say they have to match the competition or they use some benchmark such as the prime rate. Others say they use the “flinch method”. They throw out a rate and see if the customer “flinches”.

Bank CEO’s often wonder if commercial lenders work for them or for their customers when it comes loan pricing. Lenders want to get the deal and many times they don’t consider the bank’s costs associated with making the loan when offering the rate/terms. Do lenders have the tools to offer a rate that meets both the borrower’s needs and bank’s profitability goals?

Many factors should be considered when making pricing decisions on commercial loans: Type of loan, amortization term, usage of a line of credit, fees, cost to underwrite and service the loan, risk, fixed, adjustable or floating rate, borrower’s other business with the bank and most importantly the size of the loan.

Relationships matter and we have to value that in the pricing equation. What other loans or business does the borrower have with the bank? Do they have a deposit relationship and is it in interest or non-interest bearing? What we typically find is banks over price their best customers and under price their smallest least profitable customers.

Now is a great time to look at an inexpensive, easy to use loan pricing tool to see if it is a fit for your financial institution. Increasing your Net Interest Margin is easy. Contact Strunk at 800.728.3116 or at to learn more about our loan and relationship pricing solution.

Bankers: It’s Time to look at a Loan Pricing Solution

Pricing commercial loans for community banks can be daunting especially in areas where they compete for loans with larger institutions. With a yield curve that has changed dramatically over the past 18 months, isn’t it time your senior commercial lender looked at a loan pricing solution?

Commercial lending comes all shapes and sizes and borrowers are more sophisticated now more than ever. What should the interest rate be? For what term? Is there a fee involved? Is the rate floating or fixed? And lastly, will the borrower keep deposits with the bank?

Loan pricing solutions have been used by larger institutions for years and community banks sometimes just “throw a dart” to see what a borrower will pay. Generally, costs associated with underwriting and servicing the loan is not considered since it is hard to determine what they are. With interest rates at historically high numbers (last 15 years) maybe community bankers should look for an affordable loan pricing program.

Strunk’s loan and relationship pricing solution is designed to model all types of commercial loans factoring in costs associated with the loan, pricing for risk, and providing a return that is satisfactory to the bank. The program takes into account deposits the borrower may have with the bank as well as other loans.

The loan pricing model is easy to use and training the lending staff is paramount to getting buy-in for the solution. The goal is to increase net interest margin while also giving bankers a tool to understand why you may have lost a deal.

Contact Strunk at 800.728.3116 or email at to learn more about loan pricing solutions offered by Strunk. You will be glad you did.

Strunk introduces Pricing Manager, a commercial loan, deposit pricing, and relationship profitability tool for CFIs

Strunk is proud to announce its newest solution, Pricing Manager. Pricing Manager is a fully hosted, web-based solution that allows community financial institutions (CFIs) to deploy a tool to all lenders to ensure they are armed to price loans profitably and consistently based on target profitability objectives.  It also provides the ability to understand the details of relationship profitability so better pricing decisions can be made.

Pricing Manager offers lenders the ability to vary rate, fee, risk premium and term structure among other variables, to understand the drivers of profitability and develop pricing options for borrowers that all achieve the target ROE for all types of loans. Deposit relationships can be included to see how much ‘pricing power’ each brings to the loan or total relationship. The solution contains built in assumptions for loan origination, loan servicing and cost of funds which can all be customized.

According to Strunk’s Chief Executive Officer, Dan Roderick “Until about a year and a half ago, pricing was fairly straight forward for most community FIs, given historically low interest rates and record high liquidity. However, that has changed dramatically, as should an FI’s approach to pricing. Liquidity, which only several months back was far from a consideration, is now becoming a concern for many community FIs. Economists are beginning to predict tightening commercial credit largely due to a downturn in commercial real estate values – particularly for office space and retail properties. At no point in history has proper loan pricing been more important.”

With Pricing Manager, Strunk offers a full featured loan and deposit pricing tool that will:

  • Arm lenders with the tools needed in an increasingly competitive environment.
  • Include a relationship profitability module.
  • Allow instant adjustments to a shifting rate environment and ensure pricing consistency.
  • Increase profitability.
  • Produce rate sheets for consumer loans.
  • Provide clients with pricing offers that will win more deals.

Strunk is providing free demonstrations of the Pricing Manager solution for interested CFIs. Please visit or contact Strunk at to learn more.

Strunk at the ICBA’s Live 2023

The Independent Community Bankers Association held this year’s ICBA LIVE event all the way out in Honolulu, Hawaii from March 12-16 at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. In addition to the beautiful location, attendees enjoyed visiting with vendors in the Marketplace, various Learning Labs and sessions with ThinkTECH presentations.

Strunk was pleased to meet with so many bankers, discussing necessary solutions for community banks. Strunk was thrilled to debut their newest solution, Pricing Manager. Pricing Manager is a full-featured loan and deposit pricing solution that will provide banks with the ability to set loan and deposit pricing consistently and profitably. Commercial loans can be priced consistently by every lender – creating options for customers that all achieve the bank’s profitability targets. Additionally, rate sheets for consumer loans, residential mortgage loans, and deposits can easily be created that are also based on established profit objectives. Not only will Pricing Manager drive consistent achievement of profitability targets – it will also help you win more quality deals!

Strunk’s goal is to continually provide value-added SaaS solutions that help community banks increase profitability, while controlling operating expense. In addition to their latest offering, Strunk highlighted their overdraft service and best-in-class governance, risk and compliance solution, Risk Manager.

For more information on Pricing Manager or Strunk’s other solutions, visit or contact Strunk at